Toledo Today

Empowering Communities Through Certified CBDOs: The City of Toledo’s Initiative for Equitable and Sustainable Development

Empowering Communities Through Certified CBDOs: The City of Toledo’s Initiative for Equitable and Sustainable Development

by | Sep 22, 2023

The City of Toledo’s Department of Housing and Community Development is excited to extend a heartfelt invitation to potential applicants for certification as a Community-Based Development Organization (CBDO) for the upcoming 2024-2025 program year. This initiative is a pivotal component of their ongoing commitment to nurturing community development, enhancing the quality of life for our cherished residents, and empowering local organizations to assume a prominent role in spearheading transformative community development projects.

At the heart of their mission lies the recognition that certified CBDOs serve as dynamic agents of change, uniquely positioned to identify and address pressing community needs. They are entrusted with the vital task of formulating and executing strategic blueprints for community development, forging invaluable partnerships with government agencies, stakeholders, and residents alike to bring about tangible improvements.

Their unwavering dedication centers on fostering equitable and sustainable community development. Through this initiative, they endeavor to cultivate a nurturing environment where certified CBDOs can flourish and, in turn, foster growth, empowerment, and resilience within their respective communities.

The Community-Based Development Organization (CBDO) certification program represents a cornerstone of Toledo’s commitment to community growth and prosperity. They firmly believe that local organizations hold the key to unlocking the potential of our neighborhoods and bringing about transformative change from within. By certifying CBDOs, they aim to provide these organizations with the resources, tools, and recognition they need to drive positive change effectively. Certified CBDOs are instrumental in recognizing and responding to the unique needs of their communities. Through their intimate knowledge of local dynamics and concerns, they are better equipped to tailor solutions that truly resonate with residents. Whether it’s affordable housing, job training, or access to vital services, CBDOs play a pivotal role in ensuring that no community is left behind.


Strategic planning is the bedrock of sustainable community development. CBDOs, upon certification, embark on the critical task of devising comprehensive plans that outline their vision for community growth. These blueprints serve as roadmaps, guiding their actions and investments to achieve tangible, long-lasting results. Effective community development hinges on collaboration. Certified CBDOs serve as conduits, fostering partnerships between government agencies, local businesses, nonprofits, and community members. Through these partnerships, they can leverage resources, access expertise, and marshal collective efforts to address complex challenges.

The City of Toledo’s Department of Housing and Community Development is firmly committed to promoting equitable and sustainable community development. Our vision extends beyond quick fixes; they aspire to build a foundation for lasting change. This means addressing systemic inequalities, enhancing resilience, and ensuring that all residents have the opportunity to thrive. The positive impacts of certified CBDOs ripple throughout our communities, leaving an indelible mark on the lives of residents. These impacts manifest in numerous ways:

Certified CBDOs champion affordable housing initiatives, ensuring that every resident has a safe and stable place to call home.  Job training and placement programs initiated by CBDOs empower residents with the skills they need to secure gainful employment, contributing to economic growth. Through partnerships and community-driven projects, CBDOs facilitate increased access to essential services such as healthcare, education, and transportation. Neglected neighborhoods are revitalized, breathing new life into previously underserved areas, attracting businesses, and boosting property values. CBDOs inspire community members to take an active role in shaping their neighborhoods, fostering a sense of ownership and pride. Many CBDOs undertake projects that promote sustainability, such as green spaces, energy-efficient housing, and waste reduction initiatives. Arts and cultural programs supported by CBDOs enrich the fabric of communities, promoting diversity and inclusivity. Programs geared towards the youth, such as mentoring and after-school activities, provide a brighter future for the next generation.

The City of Toledo’s Department of Housing and Community Development invites prospective CBDO applicants to join us in our steadfast commitment to advancing community development. As they look ahead to the 2024-2025 program year, they eagerly anticipate the transformative impact that certified CBDOs will have on our neighborhoods. Together, they will create more equitable, resilient, and vibrant communities that serve as beacons of hope and progress for all residents.

Learn More About CBDO Certification