Toledo Today

Investing in Toledo: Making Lasting Change with Federal Windfall Cash

Investing in Toledo: Making Lasting Change with Federal Windfall Cash

by | Jul 5, 2023

Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz and the Toledo City Council have demonstrated a commitment to combatting hardship in the community by investing in projects that will create accessible food options, providing permanent supportive housing for adults with mental health diagnoses, among other initiatives. For building a better future in the Glass City, they deserve all of our appreciation.

The Kapszukiewicz administration have taken proactive steps to make a positive impact on the Toledo community with the recent influx of windfall cash from the federal government. Both the grocery store and apartment building in the central city exemplify this commitment to reinvesting in the community for lasting benefit. This is an example of wise policy-making that can bring tangible change to Toledo.

Council Commits to Improving Access to Nutritious Food in All Parts of Toledo

The Blade editorial board is proud to report that Toledo City Council unanimously approved an investment of $150,000 in a potential project for the Junction neighborhood. The plan includes construction of a 10,000-square-foot grocery store near Nebraska Avenue and Division Street, managed by Lucas Metropolitan Housing, and providing healthy food options and fresh produce to the residents of low-income housing in the area. This investment shows a commitment to improving access to nutritious food in all parts of the city.

Additionally, the city Department of Neighborhoods has provided $875,000 in federal housing funds to Unison Health, to acquire the Whitney Manor at 1868 N. Cove Blvd. This investment will offer 20 permanent supportive-housing units for adults who are chronically homeless and have a documented mental health diagnosis or disability, while Unison Health will invest $5 million to upgrade the building for its tenants. The city’s commitment to investing in projects that benefit all citizens is truly commendable.

Both councilmen who represent the nearest council districts can be rightfully proud of their role in this project. The city’s swift decision to prevent the facility from transferring to a private owner, as well as involving council members, showed commitment and foresight to serve the troubled population. Unison Health is already providing for the tenants in the building, indicating that the impact on the neighborhood is likely to be minimal. Reports have also revealed how tenants have endured neglectful property owners since 2019, which further emphasizes the importance of this project.

It is certain that the city made a wise and beneficial decision to purchase the building, and Unison Health is ready to deliver on their promise of creating a quality housing option.

It is clear that the recent initiatives taken by Mayor Kapszukiewicz’s administration reflect an appreciation for the growth of rehabilitative infrastructure and access to quality food and housing across the city. Furthermore, their collective generosity in providing these resources speaks sums up the Toledo community’s collaborative stance when it comes to taking meaningful, highly visible steps. Through this investment, residents of all income brackets are set to benefit significantly.

Learn More About Toledo’s Windfall Cash